Sunday, September 24, 2006 

! ! ! ATTENTION ! ! ! by Clint

Please redirect your web browsers and feedburners in the direction of:

Our blogging life will continue with substantially cooler features. If you have the time to learn some largely useless rudimentary php and html and regrettably spend hours trying to make various third-party plug-ins and themes work, you might consider making the move to WordPress as well.

Soak up the old Spectacle Receptacle while you can, as I will be redirecting to the new Spectacle Receptacle in a matter of days.

Monday, September 18, 2006 

Wart & Peace by Clint

Today was a good day. I uprooted a wart that has been waxing and waning on my finger for the past six months. After several different methods of removal, I decided to try the straight application of salicylic acid. That treatment started two days ago. The bottle, being a puny entity, suggested a single drop be applied twice a day and proceeded to claim it would be a journey of about five weeks.

That is all well and good, but what of the microwave generation that wishes the fungi removed about 4.7 weeks sooner?

Needless to say I drowned the wart in acid like a drunkard drowns his sorrows--straight, for two days, and to the disregard of loved ones' behests.

By this evening, the infected area had softened up. Probably not anywhere near enough to remove even the top-most epidermal layer, but since when has raw meat not-yet-ready to be partaken of really stood in my way? So, I grabbed my trusty pin needle and pair of tweezer and set to poke-tweeze-repeat mode.

I hurt. I bled. I got light-headed. I physically removed all empirical traces of the wart.

I now have a crater in my finger reminiscent of high-altitude photographs of strip mines. It's a lack I love. I would do it all over again if I had the chance--masochistic satisfaction, friends. In fact, I cherish the moment so much, I chose to continue it and even memorialize it through a little something I like to call art.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 

Icari by Clint

Clint & Nicole



  • Halos + Lassos - Half-Handed Cloud

  • Lost and Safe - The Books


  • How Should We Then Live? - Dr. Francis Schaeffer & Frank Schaeffer

  • True Romance - Tony Scott

  • Murderball - Dana Adam Shapiro & others


  • The Once and Future King - T. H. White

  • Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading - Eugene H. Peterson

  • Not the Way It's Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin - Cornelius Plantinga

If it is on the internet,
it is copyrighted ...essentially.